The Office for National Statistics has released information today that official job figures show there are now almost 33 million people in employment. This an increase of nearly 4 million since 2010 and the number of people in unemployment has fallen by nearly 1.1 million since 2010, down to 1.4 million people.
As well as job rates increasing, real wages have increased for the ninth month in a row and regular pay is continuing to grow and outpace inflation (up 6.0 per cent in December 2023 to February 2024) which is above the inflation rate of 3.4 per cent.
These figures confirm that the Conservative Government’s plan for growth is working.
Dr Neil Hudson MP has been championing the measures outlined in the Spring Budget, having actively participated in the Budget proceedings, voicing support for its measures, and voting in its favour.
Dr Neil Hudson MP said:
“This further news of the increase in employment demonstrates that the Government are getting it right with our plans for growth.
It has been so difficult for people across the UK with cost-of-living pressures following from the impact of the war in Ukraine and recovering after the pandemic, but we are making important headways, and it is such welcome news that there has been a huge growth in employment.
The Prime Minister has been dedicated to revitalising the economy and I am delighted that the figures are moving in the right direction thanks to his efforts.”
Further information regarding these statistics can be found here: www.ons.gov.uk/employmentandlabourmarket/peopleinwork/employmentandemployeetypes/bulletins/uklabourmarket/april2024?deliveryName=DM40661